1 00 1 min 2 weeks 144

Trust in the political system is the single most important condition for the stability of a political
regime. Political regimes that are unable, for whatever reason, to be regarded as legitimate by
their citizens, become unstable and often break down.

The promotion of good governance serves one purpose alone: to ensure that citizens trust their political institutions

One thought on “Trust and Political Instability

  1. Very insightful piece.

    My take, how do we measure trust, what are the indicators that often increase citizens trust in political system?

    Some political theorist suggest that free and fair elections, free media, and accountability often reflect populate trust in political systems.
    However, how do we ensure that the above elements are effective in our political system in order to achieve trust and good governance?

    I suggest effective institutions which are free from political manipulation and influence. There may be other variables responsible for trust in political system however, if we have effective institutions with minimal political capture, we are guaranteed citizens trust and good governance.

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