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Several studies by Kinyondo and his collaborators (Amazon.it: Making Tourism Work for Tanzania: with a preface by Hon. Hamisi Kigwangalla, MD, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism [Lingua inglese] – Pelizzo, Riccardo, Kinyondo, Abel – Libri) have consistently shown that the development of the tourism sector has a wide range of socio-economic dividends: the development of tourism brings technology, foreign direct investments, foreign currency, creates employment (especially for low skilled workers), stimulates economic growth and ultimately leads to socio-economic development.

The question is how tourism can be promoted. One answer, that can be found in Michele Croce’s La rivoluzione dei veronesi (2015) is that the organization of events may be a driver in the development of the tourism industry. Croce’s proposal should have received more attention in Verona, for which such a proposal had been developed, than it did. But the idea was good and, many years later, remains pretty good. This is exactly what Togo is doing. In January it organizes in Aneho the festival of Black divinities, while in March it hosts in Agbodrafo the Festival of the Unchained–events that have a local, a regional and an international appeal


Tourism, Development and Inequality: The Case of Tanzania – Kinyondo – 2015 – Poverty & Public Policy – Wiley Online Library

Socioeconomic Impact of Tourism: The Case of Tanzania | African Journal of Economic Review


Amazon.it: Making Tourism Work for Tanzania: with a preface by Hon. Hamisi Kigwangalla, MD, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism [Lingua inglese] – Pelizzo, Riccardo, Kinyondo, Abel – Libri