2 10 3 min 1 week 224

by Tony Hemrix

The Festival Désenchaîné began under the sign of spirituality and tradition in Agbodrafo. The opening ceremony was led by one of the village’s great priestesses, who invoked the protection of the ancestors to ensure the smooth running of the event. In an atmosphere filled with solemnity and reverence, she bestowed blessings upon the festival’s participants and volunteers.

An Ancestral Ritual for a Festival of Remembrance

Seated at the center of a circle of guests and spectators, the priestess, dressed in a white and blue pagne, with a white headwrap and traditional bead necklaces, held a sacred calabash. This gesture, laden with symbolism, marked the invocation of benevolent spirits and a request for guidance in the days ahead. In front of her, offerings including a bottle of white alcohol and a local beer were placed, reflecting the deep respect for traditions and the ongoing dialogue between the living and their ancestors.

Around her, an attentive audience—comprising villagers, festival-goers, and curious onlookers—watched the scene with deep respect. Some, dressed in traditional attire, embodied the transmission of ancestral knowledge and spiritual practices. Others, equipped with cameras and microphones, recorded this rare moment, fully aware of its importance in collective memory.

A Festival Under the Sign of Transmission and Resilience

The Festival Désenchaîné, which once again this year celebrates the history and resilience of the peoples who endured the horrors of slavery, draws its strength from rituals like this one. It is not just a cultural event but a space of remembrance where ancestors are honored, and efforts are made to reconnect with an often forgotten or erased heritage.

This spiritual opening sets the tone for the days ahead: meetings, artistic performances, conferences, and tributes will punctuate the festival, all guided by the quest for truth and reconnection with African roots.

In Agbodrafo, the ancestors have been invoked, the blessing has been given—the Festival Désenchaîné can now unfold under their benevolent watch.

2 thoughts on “Opening of the Festival Désenchaîné: A Vodoun Ceremony to Call Upon the Protection of the Ancestors

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