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Mali, where are thou? or Mali, where are you?

Mali is one of the most beautiful, most fascinating countries in the world. Blessed with ethnic diversity, variety of landscapes, rich artistic traditions, architecture and history.

Mali was the land of the Rex Melli, the King of Mali, who on his pilgrimage to Mecca spent so much gold that made the value of gold depreciate.

Mali is the land of the Tuareg and Timbuktu in the North, but it is also the land of Djenne with its walls and its Mosque. It’s the land of the Bambara Masks but also the land of the Dogon.

Mali was a beloved tourism destination. The political instability, that the country has experienced in recent years, makes it nearly impossible to go there or to go back there–and visit Bamako, Mopti, Gao, Djenne, Timbuktu and Bandiagara. Yet the place remains as wonderful as ever and absolutely worth visiting and one can only hope that the country will soon be able to enjoy the stability that could allow tourists to go back.

We want to go back.