In the village of Adangbé, nestled in the heart of African traditions, a unique and deeply spiritual ceremony takes place: Adífò, the ritual of liberating the virgins. This event, both sacred and festive, symbolizes the transition into adulthood for young girls and reflects the harmony between spirituality, cultural identity, and respect for the deities.

The Key Stages of the Adífò Ceremony
1. Symbolic collection through the village
Before the main ceremony, the young virgin girls walk through the streets of the village, naked, as the ultimate symbol of their purity and innocence. They stop from house to house, collecting silver coins or food offerings. This gesture, seemingly simple, carries profound meaning: it represents humility and temporary dependence on the community, a final act before stepping into adulthood.
2. The liberation ritual
At the heart of the ceremony, the village deities play a central role. The girls’ purity is entrusted to them through prayers and incantations. In return, the gods grant their blessings, paving the way for the young girls to marry and live their lives as honorable women under the protection of their ancestors.
3. Sacred markings: a symbol of transformation
The final phase of the ceremony is marked by a powerful and significant act: the girls receive incisions on their bodies, made with a ritual knife. These markings, accompanied by the attribution of sacred ethnic names such as Dédé, Koko, or Mamblé, symbolize their transformation and new identity as adult women.
4. Dances and celebrations in honor of the gods
To conclude this highly intense event, the newly initiated girls perform ritual dances before the gods’ altars, to the rhythm of traditional drums. These dances, true offerings, express the participants’ and community’s gratitude to the deities for their benevolence.

A Cultural Heritage to Preserve
The Adífò ceremony is much more than a simple ritual; it is a reflection of a rich cultural heritage and a collective identity passed down from generation to generation. It highlights the fundamental values of the community: purity, belonging, and respect for ancestors and gods.
More images and two videos can be found here: Adífò: The Liberation Ceremony of the Virgins of Adangbé in Images – Africa Traditional Beliefs
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