According to Mbiti (1970), the notion of ancestors worship was coined by Herbert Spencer in his Principles of Sociology (1885). Mbiti (1970:11) went on to say that “other writers have borrowed this term and applied it almost to anything that Africans do in the way of religious ceremonies”. Mbiti concluded that it was a great mistake to reduce Africa’ traditional religions to ‘worshipping the ancestors’.
While Mbiti was probably correct in claiming that there is more to African religions than ‘ancestors worship’, it is also undeniable that worshipping the ancestors remains, in Africa (and not just in Africa), an important part of (African) religiosity.
The Festival of the Black Divinities was inaugurated yesterday in Aneho, Togo. The Festival was inaugurated with a Mass of Fa.
“Vincent Harisdo, directeur artistique du festival, a rappelé l’importance de cette messe du Fa, soulignant qu’un festival dédié au VODOUN ne peut se dérouler sans l’invocation des ancêtres : « La messe du Fa donne le ton au festival, car sans elle, le festival ne pourrait pas avoir lieu. À travers cette cérémonie, nous demandons la permission aux ancêtres pour commencer l’événement. » a-t-il déclaré. La soirée a été rythmée par une prière aux ancêtres, le « Tchè-si-koko », effectuée par le prêtre des 41 divinités Guin, pour demander la paix et la bénédiction des ancêtres. “
Worshipping the ancestors was central to the first day of the festival.
Source: Togo : Le festival des divinités noires rend hommage aux traditions africaines | ActuBilan