By Wycliffe W. Simiyu Njororai
African football is associated with deeply held beliefs in magic, superstition and rituals. In some cases, a team attributes match outcome on the superiority of the magician consulted before the game rather than to the ingredients of performance such as technical, tactical, physical and psychological abilities. Team officials, fans and players employ talismans, mediums, rituals and practices steeped in magic. Some of the practices include players donning lucky boots, jerseys, shin guards, planting animal body parts on the pitch, sprinkling snake blood, skipping over corpses and smearing themselves with concoctions before shaking hands with their opponents, among others. Do these practices have any merit in influencing performance? Do these practices enhance or impede the development of the game? This chapter examines the prevalence of superstition and rituals in the African game by drawing examples from different parts of the continent. Using the attribution theory, it explains the prevalence and significance of superstitious rituals. Attributions are explanations about why particular performances or behaviors occur. When facing important matches, teams search for explanations for success or failure. Attributions are important in applied sports psychology as they have implications for motivation and emotion, which are critical to match preparation and competition.
Source: Culture of magic and sorcery in African football | 8 | Africa’s Elite